Fall Birding Festival

BARR LAKE STATE PARK | Saturday, Sept. 14


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Bird Conservancy of the Rockies Information:


Combining Standardized Count Data with Community Science to Monitor Bird Populations

Bird populations have been declining for decades, with three billion birds lost over the last 50 years. Understanding the drivers of these loses is a monumental task because most bird species have ranges that span large expanses across a mosaic of land uses.

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Tracking the Prairie Ghost

The arid, shortgrass prairie and farm fields of the panhandle of Western Nebraska are the last place you might think to look for a shorebird. But this is exactly the place that Thane Dinsdale found himself on May 12, 2024 near Kimball, Nebraska searching for the elusive Mountain Plover also referred to as the prairie ghost.

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In The Weeds

It is that time of year when weeds take over gardens and landscapes, absorbing moisture and feeding bugs. Read on to learn more about the complexities of weeds and invasive species.

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Quick Frozen Critters, Squirrel Fingers & Edible Animal Scat?

A Red-tailed Hawk is circling as it hunts for its prey. The rabbit pauses in its quest for food sensing danger. It freezes. Then quickly darts for cover. The fierce raptor makes a stealthy move towards its intended target. The rabbit flees quickly for the safety of its shelter and narrowly escapes the outstretched talons of the hawk. The rabbit is safe for now. The hawk will continue its hunt in hopes of catching a different rabbit, and its next tasty meal. 

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Bird Conservancy of the Rockies is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.