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Chadron Banding Station Rises Out of the Ashes

By | Education, Science | No Comments

Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory has been running bird banding stations in the Nebraska panhandle for the past four years at Chadron State Park and five years at Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area. We set up nets in the same locations year after year in order to study the local and migratory bird populations and to provide up-close and personal looks at birds to schoolchildren and members of the general public. This year, all is well at the Wildcat Hills station, but things were looking very grim for Chadron State Park at the beginning of the banding season.

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Conservation Plan Addresses Decline of Grassland Birds

By | Science | No Comments

Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory has released the first-ever conservation plan for grassland bird species that winter in the Chihuahuan Desert, with support from the Rio Grande Joint Venture and American Bird Conservancy. The plan provides a wide range of science-based information to guide everyone from on-the-ground land managers to program- and policy-level decision-makers in maintaining and improving habitat for grassland bird species of high conservation concern.

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Technicians Prepared to Encounter Birds … and Bears

By | Science | No Comments

Our Wyoming field crew met for midseason training to familiarize themselves with high-elevation plants and birds before they conducted avian surveys in June and July in forests of spruce, fir and Lodgepole Pine and in alpine tundra habitat above tree line. Most of these surveys occur in the western third of the state where technicians also must be aware of Grizzly Bears.

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