Bird-friendly Living

August and hot can be used interchangeably in Colorado. As summer heats up, you may be asking yourself, how can I help our avian amigos...
Did you know that roughly 60% of the land area in the United States is privately owned? That amounts to a lot of land, about...
This summer, as you work on your landscaping, try to select plants that attract wildlife while still enhancing the beauty of your garden. It’s called...
Binoculars are an essential tool for any birder, but how do you pick out a good pair? There are many factors to consider to make...
Mid-April has arrived, and every year at this time our minds turn to the same thing. No, not taxes. Hummingbirds! Scott Menough, owner of Wild...
Birders heading for Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge will find Birding Hot Spots of Central New Mexico a handy guide, covering birding areas from...