

Celebrating the Third Annual Bird Conservancy BioBlitz

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A BioBlitz brings together community members, students, naturalists, and scientists to find and identify as many birds, plants, insects, reptiles, mammals and other organisms as possible in a short period of time. The result is a snapshot of the biodiversity of a specific place.This year over 68 attendees and ten volunteer survey leaders recorded 70+ species of plants and animals! No matter our level of expertise, we all saw new species and learned new ways to find and identify them, and had a great time exploring this local biodiversity hotspot.

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A Community’s Passion for Mountain Plovers, Conservation and Agriculture

By | Event, Land Stewardship | No Comments

Every year, the community of Karval in eastern Colorado comes together to celebrate the return of Mountain Plover to their fields, inviting birders from around the world to join in the moment and experience local hospitality and culture. Bird Conservancy’s Ryan Parker shares an update about this year’s Mountain Plover Festival (April 26-28, 2019) and the exciting things they have planned.

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Celebrating 30 Years of Migratory Milestones

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2018 marks our 30th Anniversary, and we’re celebrating!  In the coming months, we’ll reminisce about the migratory milestones and positive impacts that our organization has made through the years, as well as look to the future.  We hope you enjoy this timeline featuring just a handful of the many accomplishments made possible by our supporters, partners, collaborators and staff.  

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