They wake us with gentle melodies each morning. They entertain us with their aerobatic antics. They open our children’s eyes to the wonders of nature. David Menough, owner of Wild Bird Unlimited of Arvada, offers tips on what you can do to show our avian amigos how much they mean to you.
Despite sub-freezing temperatures and driving snow, 38 volunteers took part in this year’s Christmas Bird Count at Barr Lake. Count compiler Chuck Hundertmark offers a report on species observed that day, including a few rarities for Barr Lake.
It’s the holiday season, a time to enjoy tasty treats. While you fill up on goodies, don’t forget to share with our avian amigos. David Menough, owner of Wild Bird Unlimited of Arvada, offers advice on what you can put on a tree as edible decorations for wild birds or other wildlife.
While winter won’t officially arrive until December, it’s already snowed here in Colorado and temps are routinely dropping below freezing at night. David Menough, owner of Wild Bird Unlimited of Arvada, offers tips on helping our avian amigos stay warm and toasty during the frigid, frosty winter.
“Another nest has failed.” This is the recurring news that technicians monitoring Aplomado Falcons in Chihuahua, Mexico, have reported over the last 18 years. Private Lands Wildlife Biologists Roberto Rodríguez and Pedro Calderón report from Chihuahua on last season’s monitoring of this iconic, grassland species and efforts to conserve its dwindling habitat there.
While winter won’t officially arrive until December, it’s already snowed here in Colorado and temps are routinely dropping below freezing at night. David Menough, owner of Wild Bird Unlimited of Arvada, offers tips on helping our avian amigos stay warm and toasty during the frigid, frosty winter.
Now that fall is upon us in the Rockies, RMBO biologists and technicians are finishing proofing data gathered this summer under the Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation Regions (IMBCR) program. It’s not glamorous, but with proofing data comes the confirmation of cool new species for the program. Biologist Nick Van Lanen reports on the summer field season and species detected for the first time during IMBCR surveys.
In early June, a LightHawk pilot and his wife volunteered their time and plane to help Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory with a census of Ferruginous Hawks and Golden Eagles nesting in the panhandle region of western Nebraska. How many birds were spotted on their nests? Wildlife Biologist Angela Dwyer offers results from the surveys, used to gauge population stability for these species.
A wide variety of people love to feed a wide variety of birds, and these nature-lovers, in turn, have a wide variety of attitudes about squirrels. Some folks want the best recipe for squirrel stew, while others want to know how to keep the blue jays out of the squirrel feeder. Scott Menough, owner of Wild Birds Unlimited of Denver, offers tips on protecting your bird feeder from pesky critters.
August and hot can be used interchangeably in Colorado. As summer heats up, you may be asking yourself, how can I help our avian amigos stay cool? David Menough, owner of Wild Bird Unlimited of Arvada, offers tips on selecting, placing and attracting birds to a birdbath.