

Rare Bird Alert! A Story of the Yellow Rail Detection in Colorado

By | IMBCR, Monitoring Programs, Uncategorized | No Comments

Being a birder means a lot of different things to many different people. Some birders go out every week to count and list as many species as they can find, while others have a yard list of the birds they identify from their window. Read below for a guest blog from Eric DeFonso, a Bird Conservancy seasonal field crew leader for our Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation Regions (IMBCR) program. Eric shows how sometimes, birding by sight is not always feasible or possible.

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Recite Me, A New Accessibility Tool

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Diversity, inclusion, equity, and accessibility are essential to our work at Bird Conservancy of the Rockies. We are working to promote these principles at every level of our organization, including in our most public-facing communication tool – our website. We are therefore excited to launch the Recite Me toolbar on our website, which you can access on a desktop, laptop, and mobile device!

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