The field season is under way in northern Mexico, where RMBO and partners are studying the winter survival and habitat use of Baird’s and Grasshopper Sparrows in the Chihuahuan Desert grasslands. Writing from Chihuahua, biologist Erin Strasser provides an update on capturing and tracking sparrows, insights gained so far this season and stunning photos from the field.
Encroachment of coniferous trees such as juniper can noticeably alter sagebrush ecosystems and, in turn, habitat quality for wildlife. Range Conservationist Brandon Elkins writes about a project to remove juniper trees in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming to benefit sage-grouse and other wildlife.
Despite sub-freezing temperatures and driving snow, 38 volunteers took part in this year’s Christmas Bird Count at Barr Lake. Count compiler Chuck Hundertmark offers a report on species observed that day, including a few rarities for Barr Lake.
To kick off the New Year, RMBO hosted its second annual Christmas Bird Count for Kids at Barr Lake. Educator Tyler Edmondson recounts the spectacular day of birding and highlights the species observed by budding young birders.
It’s the holiday season, a time to enjoy tasty treats. While you fill up on goodies, don’t forget to share with our avian amigos. David Menough, owner of Wild Bird Unlimited of Arvada, offers advice on what you can put on a tree as edible decorations for wild birds or other wildlife.
Grassland birds are declining faster than any other group of North American birds. The key to reversing these declines may lie on their wintering grounds in northern Mexico. Writing from Chihuahua, biologist Erin Strasser provides a preview of RMBO’s second season studying the overwintering ecology of Baird’s and Grasshopper Sparrows in the Mexican grasslands.
t was a quality over quantity kind of season for banding Northern Saw-whet Owls this fall. While banders in North and South Dakota caught fewer owls per night, they recovered a total of 10 owls, or birds banded at another station or during a different season. Where were the owls first banded, and when? Read this post to find out (hint: one was first banded more than 1,300 miles east!).
While winter won’t officially arrive until December, it’s already snowed here in Colorado and temps are routinely dropping below freezing at night. David Menough, owner of Wild Bird Unlimited of Arvada, offers tips on helping our avian amigos stay warm and toasty during the frigid, frosty winter.
“Another nest has failed.” This is the recurring news that technicians monitoring Aplomado Falcons in Chihuahua, Mexico, have reported over the last 18 years. Private Lands Wildlife Biologists Roberto Rodríguez and Pedro Calderón report from Chihuahua on last season’s monitoring of this iconic, grassland species and efforts to conserve its dwindling habitat there.
While winter won’t officially arrive until December, it’s already snowed here in Colorado and temps are routinely dropping below freezing at night. David Menough, owner of Wild Bird Unlimited of Arvada, offers tips on helping our avian amigos stay warm and toasty during the frigid, frosty winter.