Colorado Biologists Further Black Swift Research

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Black Swifts are at risk to the effects of climate change. As our atmosphere heats up and viable Black Swift breeding habitat dwindles, proactive conservation of this species is critical. A team of researchers is working to conserve the North American population of Black Swifts, conducting research across the West to better understand the “coolest bird.”

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Women in the Sciences: We Can Do It!

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Alas, despite much progress, a disparity still exists between the sexes in the sciences. There are fewer women than men working in science-related fields. What can we do to encourage more young girls to enter the sciences? Biologist Erin Strasser spoke with female colleagues working in the sciences to glean their insights and advice and inspire other women to become awesome lady scientists.

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Exploring Nebraska’s Incredibly Diverse Niobrara River

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This spring, Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory began conducting bird population monitoring surveys along the Niobrara National Scenic River in Nebraska. Outreach Biologist Jeff Birek was fortunate enough to land that area as one of his survey locales this summer. Jeff reports on the impacts a recent fire along the Niobrara River has had on birds and provides a species list from the summer.

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New Species Detected for IMBCR Program

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With summer waning, RMBO has completed its sixth season of conducting surveys under the Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation Regions (IMBCR) program. How many birds were counted? What new and rare species were detected? Biologist Nick Van Lanen answers these questions and offers a wrap-up of another successful summer survey season.

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Campers Transformed After Week in Mountains

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Two vans packed with excited campers, staff and gear left Brighton, Colorado, and headed west to the Rockies for a week of hiking, rafting, exploring nature, birding and much more as part of RMBO’s Taking Flight camp. Summer Education Assistant Hannah Haas writes about this amazing week of camp and its impact on 15 young people.

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Investigating Migration of Tanagers and Thrushes

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Birds can migrate thousands of miles a year between their breeding and wintering grounds. Where, exactly, do they go? What routes do they take and where do they stopover? RMBO biologists set out to answer these questions for Western Tanagers and Swainson’s Thrushes that breed in Rocky Mountain National Park in a project for the National Park Service. CSU student Marina Rodriguez writes about this project and reveals whether the biologists were indeed successful.

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