Technicians Prepared to Encounter Birds … and Bears

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Our Wyoming field crew met for midseason training to familiarize themselves with high-elevation plants and birds before they conducted avian surveys in June and July in forests of spruce, fir and Lodgepole Pine and in alpine tundra habitat above tree line. Most of these surveys occur in the western third of the state where technicians also must be aware of Grizzly Bears.

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Geolocators Reveal More About Black Swift Migration

By | Partners, Science | No Comments

Six years ago in late August, Rich Levad, Rob Sparks, Jason Beason and Ken Behrens hiked through spruce fir forest to a spot just above timberline where a Black Swift nest clung to a wet, rocky outcrop. The outing was part of Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory’s effort to collect baseline data on this little-known species.  When no swifts were seen that evening, the scientists wondered if they had already started migrating – and where did they go?

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