Insights from First Season Studying Fence Markers

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The Greater Sage-Grouse represents a special part of our country’s sagebrush steppe ecosystem. Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory is testing the effectiveness of different types of fence markers to help these grouse avoid collisions with fences. Field crew leader Taylor Gorman and biologist Nick Van Lanen offer insights from the first season of this study before heading back into the field.

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Livestock Water Project Benefits Sage-Grouse

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Grazing options can be limited in the high country, when snow lingers in high-elevation pastures and areas can get too waterlogged for cattle. To increase grazing options on a ranch in the Middle Park area of Colorado, Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory helped to implement a project that will deliver water to an area of the ranch not previously suitable for grazing, allowing the rancher to keep cattle off other areas of the ranch that provide key habitat for Greater Sage-Grouse.

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Bird Tales Brings Healing Power of Nature

By | Bird-friendly Living, Education | No Comments

Many of us have witnessed the damaging effects of dementia on our loved ones. Nature has shown to be a precious key for unlocking memories, temperaments and attitudes in people suffering from this terrible disease. Since 2013, RMBO has offered a therapeutic program called Bird Tales to residents of assisted living facilities. Educator Tyler Edmondson writes about the program and its profound impact on both people with dementia and the staff members who care for them.

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Busy Fall for Saw-whet Owls in the Dakotas

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This fall, Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory caught a whopping 277 Northern Saw-whet Owls at banding stations in North and South Dakota. Among them were 9 recovered saw-whet owls, or birds banded at another station or during a different season. Where were the owls first banded, and when? Read this post to find out (hint: one was first banded about 660 miles northwest!).

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Citizen Scientists Needed to Count Goldeneyes

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In 2000, Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory began organizing an annual Barrow’s Goldeneye count in Colorado to monitor the wintering population of this species. Volunteer citizen scientists are needed to help with this year’s count, set for Nov. 22 to Dec. 2, 2014. The protocol is simple – get out to as many lakes and reservoirs across the state as possible and count Barrow’s Goldeneyes!

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