
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies manages several databases (links below) in coordination with partners in the bird conservation community.

Bird Conservancy of the Rockies’ Data Policy guides the management and dissemenation of avian monitoring data, intellectual property and privacy-related information under our care. The policy includes a data sharing agreement template and MOU for project collaborations and publications.

Rocky Mountain Avian Data Center
The Rocky Mountain Avian Data Center serves as the portal for avian information collected under the Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation regions (IMBCR) program by Bird Conservancy of the Rockies and our collaborators in the Rocky Mountains, Great Plains, and Intermountain West.  The data center is a source to access population estimates, such as bird density, occupancy, and trend for strata surveyed within the IMBCR program. This information is available to the public, researchers, land managers, and our partners.

Avian Conservation Assessment Database (formerly the Partners in Flight database)
The Partners in Flight (PIF) Species Assessment Database is now the Avian Conservation Assessment Database! Whereas the Species Assessment Database contained information only on landbirds in Canada, USA and Mexico, the Avian Conservation Assessment Database contains assessment data for all North American birds from Canada to Panama.

These databases were developed from the voluntary collaboration of more than one hundred ornithological experts to provide a standardized and transparent system that allows the comparison of conservation status and population estimates at multiple geographic scales for North American landbirds.

The Avian Conservation Assessment Database is the repository for biological information used and generated by the PIF Species Assessment Process, a peer-reviewed, scientific methodology for analyzing, evaluating, and categorizing information related to the conservation of birds. The assessment scores can be viewed online, or the database can be downloaded in its entirety to be used in any number of ways.

Check out the latest scores and make download the Handbook on Species Assessment.

PIF provides two scales of species assessments: global and regional. PIF uses Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) as the geographic scale for regional assessments in the U.S. and Canada, but other geographic strata are used in Mexico and Central America. Note that currently only breeding avifauna are assessed in the regional (i.e., BCR-level) database. We hope to add Hawaiian and Caribbean species in the near future, as well as non- breeding avifauna to the regional assessments in the next iteration of this database.

Avian Knowledge Network (AKN)
Additional data can be accessed from our partners via the Avian Knowledge Network (AKN), a partnership of people, institutions and government agencies supporting the conservation of birds and their habitats based on data, the adaptive management paradigm, and the best available science. AKN partners act to improve awareness, purpose, access to, and use of data and tools at scales ranging from individual locations to administrative regions (e.g., management areas, states, countries) and species ranges.

For more information:
Brandt Ryder
Chief Conservation Scientist
970-482-1707 x 43