RMBO Follows Birds South for Winter

By February 2, 2012Science

Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory’s International Team is monitoring and banding birds in the Chihuahuan Desert grasslands in northern Mexico with the help of 26 local field techs the team trained in early January.

Mist Nets

Crew at mist nets by Arvind Panjabi

As shown in the photo above, field crews remove birds that are harmlessly captured in mist nets to gather data to guide conservation efforts. After receiving a USGS-issued leg band, the birds are weighed, measured and inspected before being released.

Baird's Sparrow

Bairds Sparrow by Arvind Panjabi

Birds including Baird’s Sparrow (pictured above), Grasshopper Sparrow, Chestnut-collared Longspur and many others winter in Mexican grasslands before returning to the Great Plains in spring. RMBO is working to conserve their disappearing winter habitat and boost their winter survival.