
RMBO biologists and field technicians are once again preparing to fan out across mountains, prairies and high deserts to conduct breeding bird surveys under the...
RMBO’s field crew discovered its first Mountain Plover nest of the season on May 8. After the cold start to spring, this newly laid nest...
The pine-oak and cloud forests of West Mexico are critical habitat for endemic and migrant bird species. In March, RMBO wrapped up its first year...
Eastern Screech-Owls are the most common owl species in North America, yet little is known about their habitat needs or population dynamics. To fill these...
There are few sights in life more majestic than a Bald Eagle soaring across a clear blue sky. Fortunately, this is a far more common...
It's cold as I work my way up the dark west side of Dinosaur Ridge. The fresh snow crunches then slips under my feet as...
Before conducting field surveys, RMBO staff contact landowners for permission to access their land. Through these series of phone conversations and e-mail exchanges, a similar...
Forty volunteers turned out for a cold but clear day to participate in the Barr Lake Christmas Bird Count on Jan. 4, 2013. Count compiler...
Earlier this year, I started working with a landowner who controls more than 160 acres and 3,300 feet of riparian area along the Dolores River...
Our Wyoming field crew met for midseason training to familiarize themselves with high-elevation plants and birds before they conducted avian surveys in June and July...