News & Events

While winter won’t officially arrive until December, it’s already snowed here in Colorado and temps are routinely dropping below freezing at night. David Menough, owner...
Whew! The dust has finally settled after another fun BBQ for the Birds. Held Oct. 5 this year at the Old Stone House in Brighton,...
Now that fall is upon us in the Rockies, RMBO biologists and technicians are finishing proofing data gathered this summer under the Integrated Monitoring in...
How many mosquitoes can a little brown bat eat in an hour? Do bats really get caught in people’s hair? Educator Maggie Vinson answers these...
In early June, a LightHawk pilot and his wife volunteered their time and plane to help Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory with a census of Ferruginous...
A wide variety of people love to feed a wide variety of birds, and these nature-lovers, in turn, have a wide variety of attitudes about...
August and hot can be used interchangeably in Colorado. As summer heats up, you may be asking yourself, how can I help our avian amigos...
Grassland bird populations have declined more steeply than any other group of North American birds. Since 2006, RMBO has partnered with the City of Fort...
The shortgrass prairie surrounding RMBO’s Environmental Learning Center provides important habitat for birds and other wildlife. Unfortunately, non-native weeds have invaded the landscape. During field...
Did you know that roughly 60% of the land area in the United States is privately owned? That amounts to a lot of land, about...