
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies conducts specific research projects to provide scientific insight into the effects of land management actions, ecological processes (e.g., fire) and habitat conditions on the health of bird populations. The Bird Conservancy also investigates habitat requirements, distribution and abundance of individual bird species. Such information is vital for understanding the factors underlying population trends and for directing conservation actions for beneficial results.

Conservation partners – from private landowners to federal land managers – require sound scientific information to manage bird populations, many of which are experiencing population declines. In the region where we work, this includes sage grouse, prairie-chickens and grassland songbirds.

Learn more about the Bird Conservancy’s research on ecosystems and habitats, management practices and migration.

For more information:
Brandt Ryder
Chief Conservation Scientist
970-482-1707 x 43

Arvind Panjabi
Senior Research Scientist
(970) 482-1707 x 20