Management Practices
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies conducts research on the effects of management practices, such as forest treatments, exotic species control and nest-marking on agricultural lands, on bird populations. Results of this work provide land managers and owners with valuable information on how to aid declining bird populations and keep common birds common.
This research includes, but is not limited to, investigations on:
- Fence markers and their effectiveness in reducing collisions of Greater Sage-Grouse and other birds with fences in Wyoming (learn more)
- Grazing practices and their impacts on populations of Thick-billed Longspurs in eastern Colorado
- Nest marking and its effectiveness in reducing accidental tilling of Mountain Plover nests in western Nebraska (learn more)
- Shrub removal and its effectiveness in enhancing grassland bird populations in northern Mexico
- Road development and its impact on bird populations on Bureau of Land Management lands in Middle Park, Colorado
- Wetland conservation projects and their effectiveness in enhancing populations of migratory waterfowl and shorebirds in Colorado
- Coal-bed methane mining and its impact on the abundance and distribution of birds in Wyoming
- Bird response to defoliation of tamarisk by leaf beetles and mechanical tamarisk removal in the Upper Colorado River Basin